Vlad Esaulov

Vlad Esaulov (2)

Since 2005 I worked as a developer, as a system architect, as a team leader, and as a CTO. I’m developing products, teambuilding, and processes around of them.

Vlad Esaulov

I Wish to Everybody in 2022

I have never publicly summed up any results of the year and I will not change the tradition this time, but I want to publicly wish something to everybody. But it will not be “happiness and health” and not a crazy growth of revenue or…

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Vlad Esaulov

Creator Economy Market Map

Hello everyone, Found great research by CBInsights about Creator Economy Market (summer 2021). It’s a big list of 125+ tools for almost any aspect of creator work, but on another side, it’s just 125+, not 1000+ So, the most important insight I think, is the…

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